
Privacy Policy

Hazumi Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") hereby establishes the following privacy policy (hereinafter referred to as "this Policy") regarding the handling of user information, including personal information of users, in relation to the services provided by the Company (hereinafter collectively referred to as "the Service").

1. User Information Acquired by the Company

  1. The Company may acquire the following user information in relation to the Service:

    1. Information provided by the user for using the Service or through the use of the Service
      • Profile information such as name, etc.
      • Information entered or submitted by the user through forms or other methods prescribed by the Company
    2. Information provided by external services when users permit integration with social networking services or other external services
      • IDs used by users on such external services
      • Other information disclosed to the linked services by the user according to the privacy settings of the external services
    3. Information automatically acquired through the use of the Service
      • Device information (device model name, manufacturer, OS version, unique device identifier, computer name, IP address, browser type, browser language, etc.)
      • Access history to information within the Service
      • Access history to advertisements within the Service and behavioral history from such advertisements
      • Advertising identifiers (such as IDFA or Google Advertising ID)
      • Log information (user activity history within the Service)
  2. The Company may use technologies called "Cookies" and similar technologies within the Service. Cookies are industry-standard technologies that identify the user's browser. Cookies can identify the user's browser but cannot identify the user individually. If you do not wish to use Cookies, you can refuse their use by changing your browser settings. However, please be aware that in such cases, you may not be able to use some or all of the Service.

2. Purpose of Use

  1. The Company will use the acquired user information for the following purposes:
    1. To provide, maintain, protect, and improve the Service, including registration acceptance, identity verification, user authentication, and recording user settings
    2. To measure and analyze user traffic and behavior
    3. To respond to inquiries and provide guidance related to the Service
    4. To respond to actions that violate the terms, policies, etc. (hereinafter referred to as "Terms, etc.") related to the Service
    5. To create statistical data or models processed into formats that do not identify individuals in relation to the Service
    6. To provide information about the Company’s services and the products and services of advertisers or business partners that the Company deems beneficial to users
    7. For purposes ancillary to the above-mentioned use purposes

3. Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties

  1. The Company will not provide personal information among user information to third parties (including those located outside Japan) without obtaining prior consent from the user, except in cases where disclosure is permitted under the Personal Information Protection Law or other laws. However, the following cases are excluded:

    1. When prior consent has been obtained from the user for provision to third parties
    2. When outsourcing all or part of the handling of personal information within the scope necessary for achieving the purpose of use
    3. When it is necessary for the protection of human life, body, or property, and obtaining consent from the user is difficult
    4. When it is particularly necessary for improving public health or promoting the sound growth of children, and obtaining consent from the user is difficult
    5. When it is necessary to cooperate with a national agency, local government, or an entity entrusted by them to execute affairs prescribed by law, and obtaining consent from the user may hinder the execution of such affairs
    6. When business succession occurs due to merger, company split, business transfer, or other reasons
    7. When joint use is allowed under the provisions of the Personal Information Protection Law
  2. The Company may provide or disclose statistical information that does not identify individuals to third parties.

4. Installation of Information Collection Modules and Distribution of Third-Party Advertisements

  1. The Company may install information collection modules created by third parties selected by the Company within the application for the purpose of providing the Service, measuring user activity, analyzing advertisement effectiveness, and other information analysis. Consequently, the Company may provide user information to the providers of the following information collection modules. These modules collect user information, which is managed according to the privacy policies and other regulations of the module providers.

  2. The Company permits the display of advertisements distributed by third-party advertisement distribution businesses. To display and measure the performance of these advertisements, the Company may use information collection modules specified in the preceding paragraph to collect advertisement IDs, device information (such as OS), communication environment (such as IP address), segment information, and advertisement performance logs, and may accumulate or use this information. No personally identifiable information is included.

  3. The advertisement distribution businesses used by the Company are as follows. The handling of information by these businesses is subject to the privacy policies and other conditions established by the advertisement distribution businesses. Advertisements distributed by these businesses may include behavioral targeting advertisements.

5. Measures for Safe Management of User Information

The Company will implement appropriate security measures to prevent the leakage, loss, or damage of user information and ensure safe management.

6. Disclosure of Personal Information

When the Company is requested by a user to disclose, correct, delete, or restrict the handling of personal information based on the provisions of the Personal Information Protection Law, the Company will verify that the request is from the user and respond within a reasonable period. However, if the Company is not obligated to comply with such requests under the Personal Information Protection Law or other laws, if the same request is repeatedly made without legitimate reason, or if it requires excessive technical work, this does not apply. Please note that a fee (1,000 yen per request) is charged for the disclosure of personal information.

7. Contact Information

For inquiries regarding the handling of user information in relation to the Service, please contact the following:

Email: [email protected]

8. Revision of the Privacy Policy

The Company will review the operational status regarding the handling of user information as appropriate and strive for continuous improvement. Accordingly, this Policy may be revised as necessary. The revised Policy will be notified to users through the Service or by other easily understandable methods. For revisions that require user consent under the law, the Company will obtain user consent through methods prescribed by the Company.

Established on July 1, 2024